I reviewed the documentary they're talking about here: https://www.the-gallop.com/from-fauci-to-fiction-doc-promises-covid-origins-delivers-hiv-lies/

It's incredible to see Bhattacharya and Makary endorse a movie that lies about infectious disease. An incomplete list of lies in the movie:

1. Lyme disease was engineered from Rocky Mountain fever

2. The Ebola outbreak in 2014 was a lab leak

3. SARS-CoV-2 was engineered to contain HIV inserts (and this is why COVID-19 is like HIV... wtf)

4. SARS-CoV-2 was engineered to contain a sequence from a Moderna patent (and this is why COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines cause "turbo cancers")

5. Anthony Fauci has covered up all of these things for decades

It's just the stupidest lies all strung together. And I suspect the people in this podcast are well aware -- because, while they endorse the movie fully, they're weirdly unwilling to talk about these parts of it.

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It great to hear more conversations to make sure we continue to do the right thing for our citizens

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Research and Development with premarket FDA review is what "first, do no harm" is in practice. Covid-19 reminds that it is not sufficient. We need to adopt a "Pharmaceutical Harm Reduction" stance, perhaps more comprehensive approach than tobacco harm reduction.

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Great discussion. Been reading Marty’s books…after the price we pay I’ve never felt the same about the system. Signed GBD a few years ago everything from Martin and Jay has been reasonable and excellent. I was shocked when Aaron Kheriaty lost his job at UCI and there was total ignorance of natural immunity. Countless voices were lost on social media who were my friends…researchers, clinicians, thinkers. I lost two job offers to mandates and was literally treated like I was scum and as a healthy person in 2021 this was frustrating knowing full well the shots were not designed to block infection from the beginning but to protect those most vulnerable. I gave up a lot of opportunity not lining up. One by one I saw coworkers taking 4d off work getting sick from shots and I knew something was wrong. My cousin died 5d after the shot. I advocated for testing only for predicting who might be at highest risk of bad outcomes…not enmasse PCR testing which became a giant money grab in clinical lab testing and has led to the massive biotech layoffs of 2024. Lastly I found interesting publications from work in Montana and quotes in scientific American discussing the gof approaches with furin cleavage insertions into sars in 2021. Somehow published a paper early on about histamine and what was going on in the infected lungs in 2020 from reports in China. I knew a clinician in S Korea noticing the same things. Only to find later a clinician friend in South Africa who has successfully treated hundreds with antihistamines…who was barred from medical practice and censored. Most of all, besides All of Us it is the consortium style grants earmarked by NIH. I worked on ENCODE which was the “regulatory genome” version of the human genome…Most of genomics is what it is because it is mostly an industry that markets “the genome explains everything” through Illumina products that sequencing needs to be in the clinic “to save lives.” To some degree it has…but disease is not explained all by DNA and RNA. Seeing Marty and Jay here and listening to the discussion is incredibly encouraging thinking back to what happened that wasn’t more than 4y ago! Hoping we can return to level-headed, rigorous, clean data with commitment to scientific procedure and gasp! classical adherence to actual hypothesis testing and strong ethical awareness.

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Published 2015 (!) https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985

Wuhan Institute of Virology, University of North Carolina, Universität Zürich,


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Yes, please, have Dr Makary back on. The conversation was informative with the right touch of humor. I enjoyed every minute. I'll be streaming the documentary next weekend. I want to soak every minute in.

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Love the man in the PBS clip that stands up to Fauci. Thank you for sharing that.

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Grateful for your work and this conversation. I hope the documentary spreads like Covid.

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There is one very simple message that needs to be relayed to the general public.

Public propaganda aside, physician scientists running government and academic health care centers have lost touch with not just the patient, but also the disease in which they are proclaimed to have an expertise.

They are more businessmen and less professionals with an oath of service. It’s almost as if they’re competing with the CEOs of the Pharma companies for influence, wealth and power.

They’ve abandoned content expertise, or worse perhaps, perverted scientific vernacular for doing harm and misleading people who’re dependent on their expertise. It’s a moral failure.

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